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West Indies Players Start with R

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. RRS Cornwall Rahkeem Rashawn Shane Cornwall 2019
2. R Chandrika Rajendra Chandrika 2015
3. R Dhanraj Rajindra Dhanraj 1994
4. RA Legall Ralph Archibald Legall 1953
5. RR Sarwan Ramnaresh Ronnie Sarwan 2000
6. R Nanan Rangy Nanan 1980
7. RR Jumadeen Raphick Rasif Jumadeen 1972
8. R Rampaul Ravindranath Rampaul 2003
9. RN Lewis Rawl Nicholas Lewis 1997
10. RR Emrit Rayad Ryan Emrit 2007
11. RA Reifer Raymon Anton Reifer 2017
12. RO Scarlett Reginald Osmond Scarlett 1960
13. RD King Reon Dane King 1998
14. RL Powell Ricardo Lloyd Powell 1999
15. RA Austin Richard Arkwright Austin 1978
16. RS Gabriel Richard Simeon Gabriel 1984
17. RN Ramdeen Richard Nixon Ramdeen
18. RB Richardson Richard Benjamin Richardson 1983
19. RD Jacobs Ridley Detamore Jacobs 1996
20. RJ Christiani Robert Julian Christiani 1948
21. RC Haynes Robert Christopher Haynes 1989
22. RG Samuels Robert George Samuels 1996
23. MR Bynoe Michael Robin Bynoe 1959
24. RA Harper Roger Andrew Harper 1983
25. RB Kanhai Rohan Bholalall Kanhai 1957
26. RIC Holder Roland Irwin Christopher Holder 1993
27. RS Grant Rolph Stewart Grant 1935
28. R Shepherd Romario Shepherd 2019
29. RGA Headley Ronald George Alphonso Headley 1973
30. RR Beaton Ronsford Beaton 2017
31. RL Chase Roston Lamar Chase 2016
32. R Powell Rovman Powell 2016
33. RC Fredericks Roy Clifton Fredericks 1968
34. R Gilchrist Roy Gilchrist 1957
35. RE Marshall Roy Edwin Marshall 1951
36. RC Miller Roy C Miller 1953
37. RT Crandon Royston Tycho Crandon 2009
38. RS Morton Runako Shakur Morton 2002
39. RA Austin Ryan Anthony Austin 2009
40. RO Hinds Ryan O'Neal Hinds 2001
41. RO Hurley Ryan O'Neal Hurley 2003
42. RR Ramdass Ryan Rakesh Ramdass 2005
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